Fecha de publicación: 09/01/2024

Junta de examinadores:

Nombreorden descendente Papel

Sumario: Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) poses a notable incidence in both developed countries and
emerging economies worldwide. Each year, approximately 70 million people are affected
by TBI, and around 11% of these events are classified as severe. Data from the Global
Burden of Disease (GBD) in 2019 revealed that Brazil accounts for 1.1% of all
moderate/severe TBI incidents worldwide. Within this context, falls stand out as the
primary cause, representing 67% of cases. Analyzing the statistics at the state level, it is
observed that Espírito Santo is responsible for 14% of all TBI incidents in Brazil, with
falls also being the main cause, at a percentile of 67%. The discovery of predictors of TBI
mortality is crucial to support intervention and prognosis strategies, potentially guiding
public health policies. Due to the scarcity of studies in this area, our objective was to
identify predictors of mortality in severe TBI and analyze the burden of TBI in the
metropolitan region of Vitória, Espírito Santo. We conducted a retrospective
observational cohort study at a trauma reference hospital in the state, including all
individuals diagnosed with severe TBI from 2019 to 2022. The dependent variable
analyzed was the outcome of hospital mortality. After applying the inclusion criteria, 863
individuals were included in the study, of which 450 (52.14%) had a fatal outcome, and
413 (47.86%) survived. The mean age was 48.67 years, with 82.5% being male. Falls
(55.56%) were the leading cause of death in the population. The final binomial logistic
regression model indicated that age up to 59 years, time up to 10 days in orotracheal
intubation (OTI), and the type of trauma from falls were variables with notable predictive
power for severe TBI-related mortality in the population. The calculation of Years of Life
Lost (YLLs) revealed that TBI had an accumulated impact of 10,870.23 years of life lost
prematurely in the study population. This is the first retrospective study to analyze
predictive variables and the burden of TBI in the Greater Vitória region. However, it is
important to note that unanalyzed factors may influence outcomes, such as the sample
restriction to patients from a single reference hospital in the region, potentially limiting
the understanding of variations in epidemiological profiles and adjacent health services.

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© 2013 Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Todos os direitos reservados.
Av. Marechal Campos, 1468 - Bonfim, Vitória - ES | CEP 29047-105