Tipo: MSc dissertation
Fecha de publicación: 21/12/2017

Nombreorden descendente Papel

Junta de examinadores:

Nombreorden descendente Papel
HELDER MAUAD External Examiner *
SONIA ALVES GOUVEA Internal Examiner *

Sumario: Introduction: In the World Health Statistics published by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2016 and 2017, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are one of the leading causes of death in the world: coronary (ischemic) heart disease and cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) the first causes of premature death. Approximately 80% of occurrences could be avoided with changes in individuals' daily habits. Since the practice of physical activity is a modifiable behavioral risk factor, we consider it of paramount importance to investigate its effects on the cardiovascular system.
Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the acute effects of static muscle stretching on hemodynamic parameters and oxidative stress in adult women.
Methods. Fifty-five female volunteers aged 40 to 60 years who underwent a 30-minute static muscle stretching session (AME) participated in the study. A questionnaire was applied and the following parameters were evaluated: blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), pulse wave velocity (VOP), heart rate variability (HRV), muscle flexibility (FM) before and after the session of AME.
Part of the collected blood was used to determine biochemical data (glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides), and another part to assess possible oxidative damage from exercise. The TBARS protocol was performed for evaluation of plasma lipid peroxidation.
Results: Significant increase in muscle flexibility (FM) of the posterior chain and heart rate (HR) post-exercise. Significant reduction in ejection duration (SD) and magnitude index of aortic wave reflex (Alx) post-exercise.
Regarding the physiological variables of peripheral hemodynamics, there was an increase in HR (bpm) (72 ± 10, 75 ± 10, p <0.001). In the values of SBP (mmHg) (115 ± 18, 115 ± 12, p <0.815); PAD (mmHg) (73 ± 12; 74 ± 9; p <0.354) no significant differences were found after the application of the SMA exercise protocol.
In the HRV, no significant differences were found in the time domain analysis of the indexes: RMSSD (ms) (30.31 ± 13.94, 31.46 ± 16.63, p <0.416) and PNN50
(%) (11.52 ± 13.48, 12.96 ± 16.22, p <0.309). In the analysis of the spectral components (HFnu: 47.68 ± 17.89, 45.18 ± 18.32, p <0.299); LFnu: (46.81 ± 19.17,
49.23 ± 19.02, p <0.333); LF / HF (1.37 ± 1.21, 1.74 ± 2.06, p <0.140) there were no significant differences.
With respect to the central hemodynamics of the values analyzed before and after exercise: OPM m / s (8.5 ± 1.3, 8.4 ± 1.3, p <0.224); Alx @ HF75 (%) (29.1 ± 10.1, 27.2 ± 10.7, p <0.122); RVSE (%) (144 ± 21,147 ± 19 p <0,138) there were no significant differences. However, significant differences were found in DE (ms) and (AIx) evidencing the reduction of both, respectively DE (ms) (338.4 ± 20.03, 324.3 ± 21.07 p <0.001) and AIx (AP) / PP) (32.19 ± 11.42, 30.44 ± 12.22 p <0.0268) after AME. There was a significant increase in FM (24.2 ± 8.6 cm, 28.4 ± 8.6 cm, p <0.001). The values of enzymatic activity in the TBARS plasma (p <0.237) did not express significant difference after the acute intervention of the SMA exercise protocol.
Conclusions: In our study, there were no significant changes in the peripheral hemodynamic parameters (SBP, DBP, HRV) of women between 40 and 60 years of age. These results may indicate that the magnitude of the load of the exercise components of SMA was not enough to lead to changes in cardiovascular responses.
EO, there were no significant differences in TBARS values, confirming that the protocol used in the study was of low intensity. The central hemodynamic parameters (DE and AIx), we verified that they changed after applying the same protocol. We believe that repetitive stimuli resulting from chronic training of muscle flexibility through AME exercises may lead to improvements in the individuals' arterial compliance.
We believe that further studies are needed to increase the knowledge about the relationship between muscle flexibility and arterial stiffness and the magnitudes of the training load of muscle flexibility such as intensity, duration, frequency and stretching methods that may interfere positively with changes of the markers and indexes evaluated.

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